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Jack Iacovou (Figoura)
Jul 5, 2021
A UK first for lovers of Pontian and Cretan music and dance.
We are delighted and very excited to announce that on 20th October 2018 all lovers of Pontian and Cretan music will be coming together...

Jack Iacovou (Figoura)
Jul 5, 2021
Κρητικό γλέντι/πανηγύρι στο Λονδίνο III
Για τρίτη φορά (και 3ο έτος) οι Κρητικοί μας φίλοι επιστρέφουν στο Λονδινο από Ρέθυμνο για μια μοναδικη βράδια. Πάνω από 6 ώρες μουσική...

Jack Iacovou (Figoura)
Jul 5, 2021
The biggest ever Pontian event is coming to London! An entire weekend of music and dance!
We are so excited to hear that the Greek Folk Dance Festival (GFDF) will be hosting its next Greek folk dance event, focusing on the...

Jack Iacovou (Figoura)
Jul 5, 2021
UK's first Greek Folk Dance Festival (GFDF) is finally here!
We are delighted to be supporting the launch of the UK's very first Greek Folk Dance Festival (GFDF). It's an exciting new venture...
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