When we met Savvas 'Savvakis' Lambrou over a year ago at Georgina Kyrris London based Cypriot dance Seminar, he told us all about his 10 year life commitment towards the completion his book of Cypriot music, dance and culture and all the hard work that was going into creating it. So it was a great honour when he asked Figoura to be involved with his London book launch by enhancing his evening with Cypriot dancing to the sounds of his musical ensemble. We were really pleased to take part in what we knew was going to be an evening of authentic Cypriot music and dance.
The evening consisted of a variety of speeches, including some words from the man himself, Savvakis, followed by a beautiful set of traditional music by an array of musicans including members of the talented Lambrou family, and the renown singer of Cypriot songs, Kyriakos Mappoura, as well as other traditional singers (Miranda and Konstantina) that accompanied Savvakis for his 600 page & 11 cd bi-lingual masterpiece of Cypriot folklore titled “Cypriot tradition, home and abroad”.
The Figoura performing group were not alone as there were also local dancers from from the village of Lythrodonta Nicosia who came with Georgina to support her morning Seminar, and who were also dressed in traditional costumes. Between us we danced all the Karsilamades, (both men and women's 1os, 2os, 3os, 4os) as well as a varierty of popular Sirtos and Cypriot Zeibekiko (Koftos) as well as Ballos, Kalamatianos and Cypriot Sousta.
It was great to meet so many faces both past friends as well as some new faces. We had an unforgettable evening and for Figoura's performing group a huge tick in the box for Cypriot dances. We hope the Cypriot community enjoyed our dancing.
In the photo are all our dancers together with Savvas Lambrou.